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Godocs disaster response application verification#
When initializing PostHog, you can configure the interval at which feature flags are polled (fetched from the server).Meier, P.: Verily: Crowdsourced Verification for Disaster Response. Further, posthog-node v2.6.0 onwards, and posthog-python v2.4.0 onwards do not face this issue and can evaluate all cohorts locally. If you're hitting PostHog's servers, all of these cohorts will be evaluated as expected. Note that this restriction is for local evaluation only. Only simple cohorts that have a top level OR group, and inner level ANDs will be evaluated locally. The cohort in the feature flag is in the same group as another condition.There's more than one cohort in the feature flag definition.However, there are a few constraints here and we don't support doing this for arbitrary cohorts. To support feature flags that depend on cohorts locally as well, we translate the cohort definition into person properties, so that the person properties you set can be used to evaluate cohorts as well. If it fails to compute a flag, it returns None, instead of going to PostHog's servers to get the value. In this case, you can set the OnlyEvaluateLocally parameter to true, which tries to compute flags only with the properties it has. Sometimes, performance might matter to you so much that you never want an HTTP request roundtrip delay when computing flags.