Finally, we have a button to save the AvatarView into our photo library. We can change the avatar name to use a different photo. Line charts show up to 10,000 data points on the x-axis when no color field is. Here we have an AvatarView that clips an image in a circle, adds a border, and decorates it with a shadow. Use line charts to compare changes in measure values over period of time. ImageRenderer is promising, but it comes with limitations that we will discover ahead. With the new renderers that is not longer necessary, but the approach is totally different and there is a whole set of considerations we need to make in order to be successful. In the past, if we wanted to convert a SwiftUI view into an image we would wrap the view in a representable, and then use UIKit/AppKit to build our image. In this article we will explore both renderers, its tricks, quirks and limitations. In general we use the first one to generate images of our views, and ChartRenderer specifically for Chart views. There is ImageRenderer and ChartRenderer. WWDC ’22 brought us a couple of new ways to capture SwiftUI views.
I need to update this article, but in the meantime, you have been warned 😁 This statement seems final and I am assuming ChartRenderer will not be back in a future release. We suggest you use ImageRenderer instead”. I had a feedback raised due to the ChartRenderer working monochrome, and with beta 3, I got a reply saying “ChartRenderer was removed. It seems we now should start using ImageRenderer instead to render charts. In Xcode beta 3, ChartRenderer has been removed from the SDK.